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Product reviews for: Bulldog Wheel with grooves

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The wheel ordered was based on your website parts page which described a wheel in the Bull Dog section, the only replacement wheel with the proper dimensions, simply as replacement wheel with grooves. No picture or detailed description, like color, either of which would have been a dead giveaway that I was ordering the wrong wheel. I needed to replace the Yellow wheel with the diagonal grooves. What I got was a Grey rubber wheel with parallel grooves. What I needed was the retrofit or upgrade kit apparently, which also does not describe the wheels in any detail. I did not need or want an upgrade, just a replacement wheel, so I did not look at that part since it was described as an upgrade or retrofit. My machine already had the yellow wheels--no retrofit needed. Anyway, after communicating with customer service and parts dept, they sent me the proper wheel--more than 2x the price BTW--and a return shipping label to send back the original, wrong one. This mistake cost me 5 days in down time with the machine. You need much more thorough descriptions as well as pictures of each part to avoid this type of a problem.
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Hi Robert, thanks for this feedback and we apologize for the confusion we caused. You are right- we do need to improve our descriptions, and we have been working toward adding descriptions, images, etc. to the parts on our website. Until then, we have an online web chat, our number 800-793-3790, and our email [email protected] all available so you're never forced to guess on what part you need. We realize getting the wrong part is frustrating, which is why we sent you the proper wheel with the standard price as soon as possible within a week and covered your return shipping. We did, and will continue to do, whatever we need to do to make it right because customers like you are important to us. We apologize again, Robert.

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